Thursday, February 18, 2010

A lenten decision

As Lent approached, I found myself with a long list of things I could (and should) do or give up. As I pondered this further, a theme emerged for me. I have often given into the cultural value of immediate gratification- getting what I want, when I want it. Therefore, my Lenten intention is going to be a little different this year. I am going to challenge myself on my buying habits. Since I started grad school, I often rationalize purchases- a coffee here, a piece of pizza there. "I'm so busy, tired, stressed...fill-in-the-blank, I deserve this!" I say to myself.
So throughout this Lent, rather than making a black and white rule for myself on purchasing, I am choosing to be thoughtful and intentional about buying stuff. Whenever I feel the desire to get a cup of coffee, or a new pair of boots, I am going to stop and journal/reflect about my desire. Instead of dealing with my own feelings of stress or fatigue, and owning them, am I just doing something to block those feelings out? I also want to think about where the product might come from, who might be harmed in the process of making it or getting it to me, what other costs are there to a latte, besides the $4.00 I pay for it? Costs to the environment, to workers, to myself? Maybe I'll get some research done too.

During this Lent, may we be challenged to go deeper in our relationship with God, depending on God alone, rather than things, and even people, around us. Amen.

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